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From The Field

Paintings in Oils by Roos Schuring.
Plein air painting, Images & Videos, Enjoy!

Golden Light in the Evening

Evening Water Colors.

Here I worked fast to get that swift-moving evening light in. All of these fractions of warm colors towards the left, shade moving up quickly to the right.

Any landscape painter will be a sucker for the Golden Light! The thing is to just try to paint is. Surely you'll run out of time. But it's a great feeling to have an attempt. Because staring at it wishing to paint it, and never actually doing it, that's a no no!
Dive in.

SSU22-2015 Seascape Pleinair Roos Schuring
'Golden Light in the Evening Water Colors'
oil on canvas, 24x30 cm | 9.6" x 11.8" sold / Find Seascapes for Sale here:

Time for dinner!



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