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From The Field

Paintings in Oils by Roos Schuring.
Plein air painting, Images & Videos, Enjoy!


Bulbs Under Rain

Jun 07, 2024

Light Effects.

Both bulb paintings here (see previous) have a lit area and a shadow area on the ‘bulb lines’.

It’s hard to get a...

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Neon Lines

Jun 01, 2024


This year I skipped going to find the bulb fields, life just went by too fast. But, there was one field I found by accident and it was a...

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Morning - Dots of Light

May 07, 2023

Catch the light.

A breeze, twinkling water, leaves budding into light green and yellow dots, covering a view of purples.

A beautiful backlit...

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Red Red Red

May 01, 2023

The worst spot.

Honking horns, a road to the Keukenhof, with a traffic jam all day long! Here I was standing beside the road, but I could...

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Tourists & Chaos

Apr 28, 2023

What to do with distractions?

I went back around the same time of day, wanting to paint the blue shadows again.
This time it was absolutely...

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Purple Fields

Apr 21, 2023

Smelling Great.

On the beach you can stand in the water, thus having the best view but also to be left alone more. A double benefit :)

So can you...

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Shadows on White

Apr 17, 2023

Good Views.

I am always looking for 'white fields' and particularly for those with trees near so I can see the blue shadows on the field. It's the...

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Trees Without Leaves

Apr 14, 2023

Morning Light.

If a place delivers, you want to return, often you can find more viewpoints and different angles.

I knew the shadows would be great...

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Grey and Color

Apr 10, 2023

Daffodil Fields.

Often overlooked: how beautiful the bulb fields are in bad weather.

Here sun and rain have a way of coexisting, especially...

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Spring Fields

Apr 06, 2023

First View.

It was terribly cold, but the next week the temperatures were already higher, I painted purple fields, red, yellow, white, and all...

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