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From The Field

Paintings in Oils by Roos Schuring.
Plein air painting, Images & Videos, Enjoy!


Nocturne Purple-blue

Jan 12, 2017

Purple-blue Mornings.

This painting could have never existed if I didn't return here with new ideas sprung from creating the previous paintings.


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New Endeavours: Blue Nocturnes

Jan 06, 2017

The Need for Dark Blue.

Blue Nocturnes - Painting Windmill in Darkness

Funny how new ideas come to us. Found myself obsessed with Blue or dark...

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Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2017

May you have a Very Good New Year.

Happy New Year Everyone!

LW09-2015 Landscape Pleinair 'New Year's Eve' oil on canvas, 24x30 cm | 9.6" x...

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Painting Snow in Shade

Dec 27, 2016

Painting Snow in Shade.

To paint this painting I drove 5 hours to be able to find snow. Crazy!

And yes if the pressure is high because of the...

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Painting Sheep & Merry Christmas!

Dec 25, 2016

Wishing you Merry Christmas!! 

For me this time is partly about 'The Celebration of the (Returning of the) Light after the Winter...

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Rainy Beautiful Day & Horse Carriage

Sep 27, 2016

Horse Carriage.

A favourite one. Painted in rainy circumstances. Lucky to have the horse carriage go by, without it the painting would be too...

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Painting Cows on a Hot Summer's Day

Sep 01, 2016

Painting Cows on a Hot Summer's Day.

I love the effects of warmth and sun. Purple glow in the sky. The color of the cows in shade.


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Beauty on a Rainy Day - Cows and Mud Track

Aug 29, 2016

Beauty on a Rainy Day - Cows and Mud

I don't say painting in rain is fun or easy. But it can deliver. And that's what it's all about.

I used...

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Hazy & Sunny

Aug 28, 2016

Beautiful Day.

Good light in the morning. Hazy and sunny. It's best to come to the beach early. The light is best. Most of the times a beautiful...

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Cows near Dyke and Windmills in Evening Light

Aug 20, 2016

Painting Cows near Dyke in Evening Light.

Most of the times I haven't got the energy to go out and paint in the evening. So this one was...

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