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From The Field

Paintings in Oils by Roos Schuring.
Plein air painting, Images & Videos, Enjoy!


Painting Roses

Apr 06, 2018

Painting White Roses

I love how strong sunlight is. Especially in the morning, it will be the warmest light.

These new floral paintings were...

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Painting Peonies

Apr 05, 2018

Painting Flowers - Peonies.

With these Floral Still Lifes I will post the setting pictures.

As you can see all of these were painted outdoors. Why?...

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Seascape Grey Spectacle

Mar 22, 2018

Grey Spectacle.

This title says it all. Those twinklings of light in an ocean of grey. I think all landscape painters eventually will need to get...

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Seascape & Sand Effects

Feb 22, 2018

Where is the Light - and where is it not?

I like to focus on the light when I paint my landscapes.
Here the light is in the top 1/3, going into the...

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Cloud Reflections

Feb 15, 2018

Morning Cloud Reflections and Horse Carriage.

Before you put your easel in the middle of the beach, just walk over to the water. Very often there's...

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Seascape in Storm

Feb 11, 2018

Stormy Day and Horse Carriage

I'm at my best when the weather turns extreme. There are many benefits you know :)

1) The biggest, of course, the...

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Seascape Pink Cloud

Feb 10, 2018

Pink Cloud and Sun Effect

This view was painted just before the rain. Often these moments bring new ideas, which you can use in the future...

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Best Skies Before or After Rain!

Jan 19, 2018

Bright Sky and Clouds.

The Best skies are visible right before or right after Rain.

Pay attention to it, do you see it? It's different from other...

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Any Weather is a Go

Jan 17, 2018

Shrimp Boat and Stormy Day.

People passed by saying "Hey, you can paint that shrimp boat in..." And so I did. This was a stormy day, bits of rain,...

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Seascape Cyclone

Jan 17, 2018

Little Rain Cyclone.

Fun how these small seemingless unimportant details can become the painting.

I looked to the left and saw this rain cyclone...

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