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From The Field

Paintings in Oils by Roos Schuring.
Plein air painting, Images & Videos, Enjoy!


Painting the Sun and Ocean Reflection

Jul 07, 2019

This is Seascape 'Sun Strokes, Clouds and Ocean'.

Painting the Sun just slightly after sunrise will deliver a totally different palette of colors.

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Seascape First Sunrise

Jul 03, 2019

Painting at Sunrise.

Each day I wanted to paint the sunrise, I succeeded about 3 times in catching the red/orange sun.

Sometimes it rained, or I...

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Seascape First Palms

Jul 01, 2019

Painting Movement in the Sky

How I love the moving sky, clouds, chances of rain. I like feeling the energy in the sky and painting it.

This is...

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Seascape About Light & Color

Jun 29, 2019

This is 'Sparks of Sun on Ocean'.

The glitter and shimmer on the ocean, it's really an exciting subject. Difficult.

When you want to try it...

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A Summerish Autumn Day

Nov 09, 2018

A Play of Light and Shade.

You might have seen this one before on social, but my/these blog posts include more stuff like palette and scene...

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Seascape The Wonders of Grey

Nov 06, 2018

Or "Allowing Risk of Getting Soaked in Return for Great Rewards!"

Below in this blog post you'll find some pics from the beginning. The big idea...

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Seascape Weather Changes

Nov 03, 2018

And Changing the Painting with it.

Here the weather quickly changed from Summerish to threatening grey and this kid remained playing with sand.


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Seascape Blue Bright Sunny Day

Nov 01, 2018

Blue Bright Sunny Day.

Lots of you know I'm a real sucker for reflections : )
And every time I paint these I learn something new. Here it's showing...

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Painting Clouds

Oct 27, 2018

Painting Clouds in the Morning.

This one was created at a beautiful moment in the very Very early morning.

Nothing but seagulls and the pressure...

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Painting the Fleeting Sun

Oct 24, 2018

Painting a Sunset on the Beach.

As you can see in all scene pics I include in these blog posts, I only work outdoors, often I'm on the beach....

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